It's never happened to me, but I have recurrent cold sores.

It can happen. Even though these are two different types of viruses, they are from the same family. Genital herpes is an infection caused by Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) in 90% of cases. Type 1 (HSV-1) is responsible for cold sores, but may also cause genital infection (1% of cases).

Genital Herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, also among young people. It is more common in women than men.

Contagion occurs mainly through sexual intercourse with infected partners who may not even know they have it because the infection can start without symptoms and without visible skin lesions.

Once contracted, the infection can last for a lifetime through recurrent episodes, as is the case with cold sores. Genital herpes is very contagious during recurrence, when the virus is active, and much less during so during dormant periods (it hides in nerve cells).

It can develop without causing symptoms (asymptomatic), or it can occur with a characteristic "outbreak" of small blisters filled with transparent liquid, typically gathered in "clusters," which are mainly located in the vulvo-vaginal area, and less frequently in other areas (anus, buttocks, thighs, penis). The blisters may be painful and burst, leaving 1-2 mm erosions that form a crust and heal spontaneously within 2-4 weeks.

In this stage, the virus is very contagious. Sometimes the symptoms are similar to those of influenza (swelling of the glands, fever, bone pain, general weakness).

Therapy involves specific antiviral drugs, which act selectively on infected cells. Recurrences may be frequent (recurrent genital herpes), as they are for cold sores under stressful conditions, emotional tensions, during menstruation, or if you consume a lot of hard liquor or drugs.

If a genital herpes infection is not treated, it can cause serious complications, including kidney infections with very irritating disorders and pus formation. Like the symptoms, these too may initially be subtle and silent, especially in young women.