Protection, risks, trans-placental transmission and breast milk
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During pregnancy, the common primary prevention rules apply.
To protect yourself from infection, it is important to do the following:
On the basis of available data, although limited thus far, all mothers with symptoms associated with Covid-19 infection (fever, cough and joint pain) gave birth to healthy babies. The Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) does not cross the placenta and thus, if the mother is infected, she will not transmit the virus to the child, either during pregnancy or during birth. SARS-CoV-2 has never been detected in amniotic fluid.
To avoid contagion after birth, it is essential that you strictly follow the instructions provided by the staff at the birth center.
Childbirth does not necessarily have to be done early - this is assessed case by case.
At the moment, there is no scientific evidence to suggest inducing early childbirth in women with Covid-19.
The choice of an epidural will be agreed upon with the team that assists the future mother with childbirth based on her conditions and those of the fetus.
Currently available information does not recommend elective cesarean section.
According to what is stated in the Ministerial Circular of March 31, 2020, given that to date the presence of Coronavirus in the blood of the umbilical cord, in the amniotic fluid and in breast milk has not been demonstrated, there is no elective indication for cesarean section for women affected by Covid-19.
All indications related to the course of pregnancy/birth and to the health of the fetus remain valid.
When the clinical condition of the new mother allows, and if she wishes, breastfeeding must be started and/or maintained by the staff at the birth center.
The good news is that, based on the scientific literature available so far, the novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has not been detected in breast milk.
Breast pumping is encouraged.
Come si legge nella Circolare Ministeriale del 31 marzo 2020, “In caso di separazione tra madre e bambino, va evitato il ricorso automatico ai sostituti del latte materno, implementando piuttosto la spremitura del latte materno o il ricorso all’uso di latte umano donato. L’utilizzo del latte materno spremuto da madre SARS-CoV-2 positiva, per il proprio neonato, all’interno di una Terapia Intensiva Neonatale segue protocolli specifici. Nei casi di infezione materna grave, la spremitura del latte materno potrà non essere effettuata in base alle condizioni generali della madre”.